A friend brought me a jar of sumac spice a while ago. I had no idea how to use it and it’s been laying on the shelf forgotten. And then I stumbled on a fattoush salad, and usually there is some purslane growing in my country house garden, so I wanted to try it out.
Sumac is kind of lemony, and I like it’s taste. Seems to me it will go very nice with some chicken. It looked like there’s too much of it added into this salad, but it was totally fine. The only thing I’m gonna change is to put less parsley and add some other vegetable instead, probably scallions.
Here, in Serbia, purslane is considered a weed and it grows almost everywhere. I wanted to make fattoush for a while now so we nurtured a couple of plants in our garden. My father was very grumpy about eating weeds for lunch The plant itself tastes fine, nothing spectacular though, and I added it into salads a couple of times since.
2 pita breads
300 g cherry tomatoes
1 cucumber
1 medium sized red onion
a couple of mint stalks
a bunch of purslane
large bundle of flat leaf parsley
juice of 1 lemon
40 ml olive oil
3 cloves garlic
1 Tbsp honey
1 1/2 Tbsp sumac
salt and pepper to taste
In a separate bowl combine lemon juice, honey and pressed garlic. Taste and if you feel like it, add more honey.
Slice cucumber into half moons. If the seeds are big and though, remove them. Cut cherry tomatoes into halves, break pita into bite-sized pieces and slice the onion. Chop parsley and mint (no need to chop it very finely). Combine all the vegetables, pita, sumac and garlic dressing. Taste and add salt and pepper to taste.
*Fattoush is very adaptable salad considering it’s ingredients. Here you can see all of the possible stuff you could use, according to the season and availability.
I am sending this recipe for YeastSpotting.
I also have some sumac that I bought a short while ago and have yet to use. It’s good to know I can use it on salads. I have had purslane in soups, but not yet in salads. It is considered a weed here as well, but I don’t have it in my garden, so I need to rely on a farmer to bring it to the market if I want to eat some.
Zgodno, i ja gledam sumac u svom kuhinjskom ormariću a gleda i on mene i nikako da ga iskoristim. Baš ću probati ovu salatu.
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