It’s this blog’s second birthday today!
I made this cake two months ago, but decided not to post about it until today. Wanted to share something really exceptional with you today, and this cake is exactly that. It was made somewhere in 19th century to honor Pál Antal Esterházy, minister in Austro-Hungarian Empire. And although it became one of the most famous cakes in Europe, how and why exactly was made is hard to say. I even found that it was made for an Esterházy princess. Either way, if you come to Vienna or Budapest, don’t miss it, that’s where they make it the best. Until then, here is a brilliant recipe by Superkemija.
Esterhasy Torte
8 egg whites
200 g blanched almonds
170 g sugar
Toast almonds on a non-stick pan for about 5 minutes, until they begin to get golden. After they’re cooled, ground them. Cut 7 pieces of baking paper in a shape of a 30 cm side square. Draw a 26 cm diameter circle on each of them. Place all pieces of paper on a table. I know, you’ll need a very large table ;) Spread some butter over the circles (very important, if you don’t you wont be able to peel the paper of the biscuit). Preheat oven to 200°C.
Beat egg whites with sugar very stiff. It’s good when if you turn the mixing bowl upside down the egg whites still stay inside the bowl Carefully and slowly whisk in ground almonds. Spread the batter as even as you can over the circles (photo). Bake each layer for about 7 minutes – until it get a bit golden (photo).
8 egg yolks
1 bag (10 g) vanillin sugar
150 g powdered sugar
50 g flour
250 ml milk
250 g butter
Beat butter foamy with a mixer. Mix egg yolks with vanilla sugar and powdered sugar. Slowly stir in flour. Boil milk, remove from heat and stir in the yolks cream. Stir with a wooden spoon and return to low heat. Stir continuously. In a couple of minutes it will begin to curdle. Remove from heat and mix into a smooth cream with a mixer. To cool it, place pan with a cream over a larger bowl filled with ice cold water and continue to mix. Mix butter into a cooled cream.
Now, take one layer of biscuit and spread a thin layer of cream over. Continue to the last layer. Don’t spread cream over a whole last layer, only a little (photo). Finally, spread cream on the side of the cake. Plan in advance, there isn’t a lot of cream, make sure you have enough for everything.
White Mirror
1 egg white
200 g powdered sugar, sifted
1 Tbsp lemon juice
Start adding sugar to the egg white a little by little. Stir until you get thick mass, then add lemon juice, and now, depending on the size of egg white, add more sugar. This shouldn’t be neither too runny, nor too thick.
If you are uncomfortable with the raw egg white in the mirror, head over to Cafe Chocoláda for a hack with orange/lemon juice.
The Net
30 – 40 g dark chocolate
While you’re preparing the white mirror, melt the chocolate. Pour it into a freezer bag and cut a tiny hole on one edge. Everything should be done very fast – the net won’t look pretty if the mirror begins to dry before you draw on it.
Spread mirror on the top layer of the cake, immediately start drawing concentric circles with chocolate (photo) and then start drawing lines using a toothpick from the center of the circle to the edge, then in the other direction, until you get the net (photo). At the end, put some ground almonds (not blanched) on the side. Keep in the fridge overnight.
Prelepo si je napravila i meni je ta torta na listi. Par kvalitetnih sastojaka i fantastican rezultat. Srecna godisnjica :))
Thats a lovely cake. Congrats!
Love the hypnotic design on top!
Happy second birthday! And congrats on your wonderful food and stories that have brought lots of enjoyment to bloggers around the world. Sretan Rojendan!
Wow, it is beautiful! Just like at the baker's!Cheers,Rosa
Marija,Congratulations on your blog's second anniversary! It's a favorite of mine and I have really enjoyed reading your valuable information and beautiful pictures. Cestitam – Dragana.
Cestitam dwugi wodjendan ;)Torta izgleda presavrseno, peti put prebrojavam korice na slici ;):*
Looks so beautiful and attractive….
Happy blogbirthday! This cake is stunning and certainly delicious. I wish I could reach through the monitor and grab a slice 8).
Beautiful cake and HAPPY 2nd Birthday!
Wow, what a beautiful torte! Great job : )
congrats on two years! beautiful cake!
Happy Blog Anniversary Marija :D Keep delighting us with your tasty creations and amazing photography ;)
Marija, cestitke za drugi rodendan bloga.:) Tortu si zaista krasno napravila.:)
You are a very talented baker Marija! Truly. it is a beautifully crafted cake and Im sure it is as delicious as it looks. I m so tempted to make it too :))tq for ahring and happy bolg birthday!!:))
Recipes very good!(Turkish food)
Srecna godisnjica!!!Divna torta, a dekoracija od cokolade uradjena perfektno! Bravo!!!
Sretna godišnjica bloga!Tortu si fenomenalno napravila!
Happy birthday to your blog!Your cake is such a wonderful treat for this special occasion.Also it's such a delicate creation!Lots of work and patience, but i'm sure it's totally worth it!
Sretan drugi rodjendan! Torta izgleda apsolutno savršeno! Svaka čast na pedantnosti!
Fantastična torta! Iskrene čestitke za godišnjicu!
wow, nemam rijeci, kako profesionalno napravljeno (i ja prebrojavam korice, ali mi ne uspijeva:))), sretan rockas !!!!
The combination of almond meringue and cream must be heavenly… congrats on your anniversary!
Congratulations on your blog's second anniversary! It´s a beautiful cake for this day!!!
Happy birthday!
WOW, kako je savršena i prelijepa! :)Čestitam blogorođendan i želim ti još puno, puno!
Čestitam ti draga moja od srca godišnjicu bloga!!!!Torta je fenomenalna, prelepo si je napravila, krivo mi je samo što si mi daleko, pa ne mogu da makar okusim jedno parčence.
Cestitam ti godisnjicu!Tortu si fenomenalno napravila… i ja sam je pravila ali nije ispala ni priblizno tako lepa… a ukus je zaista ekstra…
Marija, happy blogaversary! Wishing your blog many more delicious years! Your cake looks stunning! I wonder if it was also made in Russia during the Soviet times. But the name doesn't sound familiar.
Cestitke za ovaj lepi dogadjaj…tortica izgleda fenomenalno, glazura me je posebno odusevila!;)))ovo je prvi post koji ti ovde ostavljam, mada sam cest gost na tvom blogu…volim da provirim i uzivam u savrsenim fotkicama!:))) puno pozdrava!
Congratulations Marija!I heart your blog!!! :)))
Predivno :)Inace meni jedna od omiljenih torti!Poz.
It looks so tasty, Marija!Very nice cake and excellent photo!Pozdrav od srca :-)
Congratulations on your birthday!I made this torte last year and have to say it is exceptional!Nice flowers too…Have a look at my result here
Obožavam esterhasy tortu.. Ima dosta posla oko nje… Ali izgleda sjajno.Sretna obljetnica bloga i želim još puno puno
Čestitke na godišnjici bloga, pogotovo stoga što je vrlo produktivan i u ove dvije godine si postigla njime zavidan uspjeh!Nikad nisam jela ovu tortu, niti radila, ali priznajem da kad je ovako vidim, budi znatiželju….Fotke su prekrasne!
That cake looks fantastic! Beautiful pictures and great recipes in this site
Izvini što kasnim,ali srećan drugi rođendan vam želim od srca :)Ljubac !
I whant to do this cake, but do not understand something, the crust recipe is for one bisckit or for all?and it is divided in to the 7.
Emilia, the cruct recipe is for all. You prepare the batter, then divide it into 7 parts and bake 7 layers separately.
How nice…I love it! and happy blogbirthday!
Dear Lord! you kill us with this photos…
SO good looking this cake!
I’m new at your blog but i am already a fan.
Made it!!! Love it!!! Thank you, it’s delicious!
great pictures and Cake! I’ll try it for my dad’s birthday next Sunday.
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