This was my attempt of recreating this dish from the movie Ratatouille. It’s not the real thing, but I liked it
2 zucchinis
2 small eggplants (approximately the same size as zucchinis)
1 red bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
1 big + 1 small red onion
1 small tomato
1 clove garlic
olive oil
dried herbs: rosemary, thyme, parsley, chives, marjoram
sea salt
ground black pepper
Slice zucchinis, eggplants, larger onion and peppers as thin as possible (I used V-Slicer). Line them in concentric circles on an oiled round baking pan in the following order: eggplant, zucchini, onion, red, then yellow pepper. Continue until you have the ingredients. Dimension of the pan depends on the amount of vegetables. Pour oil over. Peel and de-seed tomato and along with garlic clove and a couple of tablespoons of oil puree it in a blender. Spread it over the vegetables. Sprinkle with herbs, salt and black pepper and pour very little water so the vegetables don’t burn inside the oven. Bake in a preheated oven on 220°C for about 15-20 minutes. This time is for very thinly sliced vegetables, if you slice them thicker, you should probably bake it a bit more, until the eggplants are done.
Beautiful!!! This is one of our favorite dishes.. great presentation!
What gorgeous ratatouille! The most beautiful I ever saw!
Beautiful photo! It looks so tasty. I love vegetables. Ratatouille is one of my favorite movies :D
savrsen je, obavezno cu probati!
Pre neki dan sam htela ovo da napravim :)))Divno izgleda, jako si ga lepo slozila :))
simply wow!
Marija, gorgeous food as usual!Ratatouille is indeed a peasant food at the origin but they used a more contemporary variation for the movie with the same name (which is your superb dish as well), created by chef Michel Guerard and called Confit Byaldi, using the Turkish Imam Bayildi as inspiration for the name.
kad sam vidjela film "ratatouille" morala sam napraviti nesto takvo pa sam eksperimentirala. ne znam da li znas da je ideja za ovakav ratataouille u filmu bila inspirirana ratatouillem chefa thomasa kellera iz famoznog restorana "french laundry"…?:)zelim ti da ti seljenje prode bez problema.:)
Ooo this is pretty! I bet it tasted great too.Laura
What a lovely dish! You did an excellent job.
izgleda odlično! nisam ga nikad probala ali sad više nemam izgovora
Such a beautiful presentation! I can't wait to try this out.
Hi Marija, I have something similar last summer cooking. The name is Vegetable tian.
Great looking dish, like the way that you presented…
ajme koje divno jelo..ja ga već dugo želim probati, ali nikako..iako znala sam slično nešto napraviti, ali opet nije to to…sad mi pada na pamet pizza sa ratatouillom i mozzarelom..njamm..:-)))
You definitely elevated this peasant dish to new heights! Reminded me of the movie ^_^
I thought the presentation looked vaguely familiar! It's lovely! What a clever idea.
Quite beautiful – this looks like a cross between ratatouille and a pizza.
This is absolutely stunning to look at. The question is, how did it taste?!
oh that looks DELICIOUS and what a beautiful presentation!!!
Its gorgeous and a darn good first attempt at the movie version.
I just adored the movie too! Your rendering of the dish caught my eye, and lightly cooked, keeping the nutritional content, even better. The movie title went so well with the main character and his sweet disposition. The industry would do well to make more of these types of movies.Good luck moving.
Great presentation for a dish that tastes good but does not always look pretty like this!
I just finished making this in Boston! Wonderful recipe. My Italian grandmother never layered it. She chopped up the same ingredients in bite sized pieces and cooked it in a big pot on the stove. I love the presentation of this one. Much like a tian.
It is beautiful.. I'm impressed!
Your photos are always so beautiful!!! Who knew ratatouille could look gorgeous!
Funny, I was going to say it reminded me of something in a movie I saw (cool movie, by the way) but you took the words right out of my mouth. Thanks for a refreshing recipe and a beautiful photo!
Marija, Beautiful as usual! Really reminded me of the movie :D
That looks delicious! I've never actually had ratatouille but I want to make it soon for sure.
Lovely presentation! I make ratatouille Moroccan-style) all the time, but have never thought of layering the ingredients like petals.Bravo!
you have got an award from me for such a great work of recipes on your blog. do check my blog
this is definitely a stunning presentation! I'm sure it tastes just as beautiful as it looks!
Thank you all!@One Food Guy – I liked it. My parents liked it. But my brother and my boyfriend, well, they said it's yuck. They both hate eggplant
Well no disrespect to your brother and boyfriend, but if they don't like eggplant then they really can't be objective judges to it's taste! Great job!
looks fantastic!
Wow, this looks amazing!!!I love colorful dishes!I just found your blog today and I'm really glad I did
What a great Web site!…Fantastic photography as well!Congratulations!
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