My grandmother used to make homemade breadcrumbs. I remembered her going around the yard, checking if the bread is dried, grandfather assembling the nuts grinder… They let me turn the handle and I hear the cracking sound of dried bread grinding…
Last few years I’ve been making them too. I know they are very cheap in supermarkets, but homemade is homemade.
I like to take mixture of white and brown bread. Dice and sun-dry them. Of course, you don’t need to sun-dry them, instead, you can dry them somewhere indoors or even inside the oven on 50°C/120°F.
Dried dices of bread should be ground using a nuts grinder. You can make the crumbs in a blender, but I still prefer to use my grandmother’s vintage machines
Note: I am sending this to Susan for the Yeastspotting.
Ja ih radim redovno
Okus mi je bas ono kako treba biti.
Dogodilo mi se da su mi kupovne mrvice bile slatkaste a meso pohano u njima je imalo okus kolaca.
Ovo mi je fantasticno, ostatke kruha uvijek mozes iskoristiti i nista se ne baca !!
In our house, we still do breadcrumbs at home using the same nuts grinder u do. Unfortunately, our nuts grinder is getting apart. So we need someone who can fix our “old lady”, nuts grinder.
This is very cool! Great idea!
ova vintage mašinica za mljevenje je najbolja, ove današnje plastične nemaju nikakvu kvalitetu, bar meni. Imam istu upravo doma, samo manju. Fotke su ti prelijepe, i post odličan, naravno, domaće je domaće, sviđa mi se kombinacija koju ti radiš!
Moja mama je uvijek stari kruh pretvarala u mrvice. Po svim radijatorima su se sušile šnite.
Ja moram priznati da nisam preuzela tu naviku, kad je i znao ostati bijeli, napravila bih knedle. Sad vidim da si ti pomiješala i bijeli i tamni kruh u mrvice i čini mi se odlično! 
Moja mama uvijek radi krušne mrvice, nije neki komplicirani posao a stvarno se isplati. Ne pamtim da smo ikad kupili krušne mrvice
moja mam ih nikad nije sama radila, ali ja da. rijetko ih upotrebljavam pa napravim manju količinu samo onda kad ih trebam. ne mogu se usporediti s kupovnima. često dodam i začine ili češnjak u njih
prva fotka mi je fenomenalna!
Loved this old appliance too; lovely pictures as usual.
Any ideas where one might find a new grinder like that (in the States)? I have an old one from my Austrian Grandma, but some of the metal is getting flimsy so that when I grind my almonds, random bigger chunks escape more often than I’d like…
Nicole, I don’t know. They’re not possible to buy new not even here in Serbia. Only the plastic (and not good at all) ones. You can buy vintage ones here, though, for less than 10$
My mom still has hers in USA. I wonder where. I need to ask her as this brings back so many good memories of me having to grind “orasce” with it for pita. Than mixing them with sugar and that was special. Next time I go to Serbia I will make sure to get a few. FALA for the great pics.
Where can I buy a vintage grinder like that? Have been looking for so long!
I honestly don’t know. This one was inherited from my grandmother.
Oh I have never seen one made out of metal. Lucky you! They sure don’t make them like that anymore.
I have always had one of the plastic ones made by Zyliss.
I don’t know what happened to my grandmothers one.
As a child I did not pay attention to what it was made of.
I just remember her grinding the nuts for her baking.
Have never made my own breadcrumbs. Will be trying that for sure.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories.
This is the kind my mom used when I was growing up. I use the Salad Shooter to grind the nuts. I believe even the Salad Shooter is now a vintage
here in the States. I should ask around when I go to visit my relatives in Romania, perhaps they still have one.
I have this grinder but never thought of using it for bread crumbs. Thanks for the idea.
There are some recipes where the store bought bread crumbs just don’t work at all because they’re too fine and grainy. I always have leftover bread of some sort laying around because I love fresh bread too much for my own good! Fresh is always better.
My grandma also used to make it herself…. what a great memory!! I think that i have never made it myself…
Love your blog! I am already taking notes of some recipes to try in my own kitchen.
In my country we make sweet treats using bread crumbs.
Here the recipe.
I am a happy new subscriber to your blog.
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