
Bundevara, Phyllo Pie


18 large phyllo sheets
1 kg grated pumpkin
200 g sugar

Take one phyllo sheet, sprinkle with oil and warm water, place another on top, sprinkle, and another (3 sheets). Spread 1/6 of pumpkin on top, 1/6 of sugar and season with some cinnamon to taste (but not to much). Roll it and place it in oiled baking pan. Repeat until you use the rest of phyllo.

Bake in preheated oven at 350°F/180°C for about 40 minutes. When done, remove from oven and cover with wet kitchen cloth for 30 minutes if you want it to be soft, or leave to cool uncovered if you want it crunchy.

Note: This was my entry to the SHF #37 – The Beta Carotene Harvest.

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  • Tea ( ) December 17, 2007 2:55 pm

    Marija, Evo veceras sam okrila tvoj blog na tastespotting. Ja sam ti iz splita, isto pisem o hrani, tj. vise sletkom jer mi je to profesija :))Bravo, super je blog, samo tako dalje! Bas cu mami pokazat bundevaru, ona je uvijek pricala o tome a mi kuci radimo slanu, s jos dodatkom svjezeg sir, mmm.POzdrav!Tea

  • redactedrecipes December 18, 2007 5:04 am

    How very beautiful!

  • pixen February 2, 2009 11:43 am

    I know it’s belated to post here but I knew I may find some info about this pumpkin in phyllo when I ate at a Bulgarian restaurant… in a tropical island :-P I was telling friends at the table that this dessert is not up to my expectation and somewhere in my mind there must be a foodie blogger who can make it better and even expert… voila! My intuition was correct! Thank you for the recipe too. Yours is far better than the restaurant!

  • vanja October 17, 2011 3:11 am

    blog vam je divan,ali zašto ne pišete recepte na našem jeziku? ili bar da ima mogućnost izbora jezika… poz i sve najbolje.

  • vanja October 17, 2011 3:12 am

    ima i na srpskom,pa ovo je divno.hvala. izvinjavam se.

    • Marija October 17, 2011 6:38 am

      Vanja hvala! Još uvek nisu svi postovi prevedeni, ali radim na tome :)

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