pies & tarts

Red Currant Tart

pies & tarts Sale & Pepe 17 Comments

Chocolate Crust 250 g flour 60 g cocoa powder 150 g butter 60 g powdered sugar 1 egg Knead all the ingredients into dough, wrap in cling film and leave in the fridge for about half an hour. Red Currant Gelée 400 g red currants 100 g sugar 20 g powdered gelatin Puree currants and sugar in a blender, transfer…

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Medlar Tarts

dessert pies & tarts 3 Comments

My first post Medlar Tarts Tart crust (from here) 260 g flour 1 egg a pinch of salt 30 g ground almonds 160 g softened butter 90 g powdered sugar Sift the flour, add salt, butter and make a crumble with the dough. Add sugar, ground almonds and egg and knead into smooth dough. Make a ball with it and…

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